Fight again sex trafficking

Fight again sex trafficking

Blog Article

Empire Escorts Agency is unwavering in its commitment to fighting modern slavery and sex trafficking. We implement thorough checks to prevent any involvement in these illegal activities. If we detect anything suspicious, we report it to the authorities without delay and offer full cooperation. This approach has made trafficking-related incidents exceedingly rare.

Understanding Modern Slavery
Modern slavery involves exploiting people for profit, often through forced labor or prostitution. Criminal organizations use coercion and manipulation to trap their victims in cycles of abuse.

What is Sex Trafficking?
Sex trafficking involves forcing individuals into prostitution. Pimps may use threats or withhold victims’ documents to control them. Empire Escorts Agency stands firmly against such practices.

Sex Work vs. Trafficking
Sex work is voluntary, while trafficking is exploitative. Empire Escorts Agency only lists individuals who have chosen to work with us of their own free will.

Our Safeguards Against Trafficking
We check each applicant’s identification to verify their age and independence. Periodic in-person meetings with escorts ensure they are safe and happy. Although we can’t oversee every detail of their lives, these measures help prevent exploitation.

Reporting Concerns
If you believe someone is being exploited, report it to us immediately. In urgent cases, contact the authorities directly.

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